Well, not much has been posted for the past few weeks...okay, so "not much" means "squadoosh". I've been in the Doldrums for a number of reasons:
---Connie went to DC for five days 2 weekends ago (thanks to all the wonderful family members who told me that I should have had Connie get together with Ann...after Connie had left for DC and the family entire had decamped to Indiana for Alex's Christening! You people and your timing make me understand how Uncle Bob ended up with 7 children!). So with no means of running short of saying, "Don't start a fire, I'll be back in an hour" I couldn't run for those days.
--I pulled a muscle in my back...drinking water. I swear on the headband of the punky QB, that's 100% true. I was at parent-teacher conferences, and while talking to a mom, water went down the wrong way, and while trying to cough it back up, I strained a muscle in my back. For 5 days I literally could NOT take a deep breath.
---After the drinking problem, I came down with a sinus cold.
So I've been hosting a 2-week pity party. Fun fun fun. I'd actually started considering dropping down to running the half marathon, with wonderful thoughts like, "Nobody would notice" and "It's still 13.1 miles". Real manly-man stuff. I actually had fellow runners saying, "Don't torture yourself. Run the half."
Enter Connie.
"You are in better shape and you are doing a better job of running than last time, and you finished THAT year, right?"
"Well, yeah."
"So what's the problem? You have a month left. Use it."
Oh, and the fact that I'm going bald officially helps.
Tomorrow is a new day, complete with a 4-mile run on the calendar. Time to rock 'n roll!!!!
peace love happiness,
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Yankee visit
LONG RUN THIS WEEK: 12.1 miles
NIKE + MILES IN 2008: 508.58 (!!!)
Great to see mom & dad this weekend, even with the inevitable flux up of the running schedule. Trying to stay hydrated is always a concern when I get together with family, for obvious reasons.
As a testament to how mathmatically challenged I am, here's a ridiculous story from my run Saturday:
I had to run 12 miles. I have 2 loops I can run in the neighborhood. One is 4 miles long, the other 3 miles long. I have been running midweek for 7 miles (one of each). It took me 3 solid days to figure out how I could work out a 12 mile run. Reason: I usually run 7, so I couldn't get that starting figure out of my head. I literally had not figured it out before I started my Saturday run. About 2 miles in, I finally awoke to the fact that 4 times 3 is, indeed, 12.
I love seeing mom & dad, and I must inquire: Is mom physically incapable of NOT doing work? She made me lend her clothes Saturday morning, and weeded flower beds for 3 hours...just 'cuz.
I inch ever closer to bald, and I enjoy the thought less and less. On the flip side, I am seeing real results on the endurance front. Let's see what happens this coming Saturday, when 17 miles are on the menu. Roll Tide!
At least the Bears are winnning.
peace love happiness,
NIKE + MILES IN 2008: 508.58 (!!!)
Great to see mom & dad this weekend, even with the inevitable flux up of the running schedule. Trying to stay hydrated is always a concern when I get together with family, for obvious reasons.
As a testament to how mathmatically challenged I am, here's a ridiculous story from my run Saturday:
I had to run 12 miles. I have 2 loops I can run in the neighborhood. One is 4 miles long, the other 3 miles long. I have been running midweek for 7 miles (one of each). It took me 3 solid days to figure out how I could work out a 12 mile run. Reason: I usually run 7, so I couldn't get that starting figure out of my head. I literally had not figured it out before I started my Saturday run. About 2 miles in, I finally awoke to the fact that 4 times 3 is, indeed, 12.
I love seeing mom & dad, and I must inquire: Is mom physically incapable of NOT doing work? She made me lend her clothes Saturday morning, and weeded flower beds for 3 hours...just 'cuz.
I inch ever closer to bald, and I enjoy the thought less and less. On the flip side, I am seeing real results on the endurance front. Let's see what happens this coming Saturday, when 17 miles are on the menu. Roll Tide!
At least the Bears are winnning.
peace love happiness,
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Status Quo
LONG RUN: 15.25 miles
NIKE + MILES 2008: 488-ish (slack me, kids, been a long day)
No revelations this week. No big fun, either. Last week after my long run, I came down with a sinus infection. Things got WAAAAY more fun as the week progressed, since the sinus trouble became allergy/sinus fun. This is bad, because my allergy issues attack my eyes...and I lost my glasses in the Gulf of Mexico this summer. Yes, you read that correctly, no, I won't tell you the story.
One completely blood-red eye later, I went to Sears Optical (the optometrist is a good friend of mine) and they hooked me up with a pair of glasses. However, that meant I was at school for two straight days...with ONE CONTACT in my head. Luckily, the blood-red eye was my right eye, and I'm left-eye dominant, so I could mostly see.
It's getting to the point that I'm starting to believe that I am in "running shape." For example, tonight I ran 4 miles, and within 5 minutes my heart rate / breathing were back to normal. I think the weather had something to do with that, though. It's been September Summer down here (mid-80s today), so it's tough to grind miles when you are losing water an an alarming rate just standing outside, let alone running.
As a result of a mini-auction of your truly for the baseball parents, I'll be surpassing my personal goal of $750 by whenever St. Jude gets 2 checks in the mail and posts them to my site. Yes, mother, that means no more faux-tee. It may even be gone by the time you arrive here in Memphis this weekend. Yes, that also means I'm getting perilously close to the Tele Savales / Colonel Sanders look for $2,500 in Team donations that is posted above.
Remind me never to anger another student. They do weird things with computers these days.
Until next time, faithful readers (Steve and Kristin, love you two!!!)
peace love happiness,
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Break on Through To the Other Side (thanks Drew)
NIKE + MILES IN 2008: 462.08
I have been not-so-secretly afraid of this week. See, up until today, I had not been scheduled to run more than 13 miles, and in fact had not done so. My one previous 13-mile run was technically 12.89 miles (and yes, at that distance, I want every fraction of a mile counted). I was, in effect, slowly building a mental block up about this 13.1 mile barrier (that's the distance of a half-marathon, for the mathmatically challenged, such as a nameless elementary school teacher). I hadn't run FURTHER than that distance in recent memory, and by "recent memory" I mean "about 5-6 years."
It didn't help that the weather started spitting rain the literal second I walked out my front door this morning. The sidewalk wasn't even wet yet, and here I was getting slapped with those famous Memphis raindrops, the ones the size of small water balloons. Oh, this is NOT shaping up to be fun.
Then about 1/2 mile into my run, it completely stopped raining. This is NOT a good thing, though: I had donned my rain gear (okay, a "waterproof" jacket I bought a few years back) and now had to decide between A) running back to the truck to put it up (hate that, makes me want to quit running when I see the truck) or B) unzip & do the cheesy '80's "tie it around your waist" move (hate that more than A, BTW). Chose B, and good thing, because about 5 miles later, it started again. Then stopped 4 miles after that. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!
Tangent alert!
Have we finished apologizing for all things cultural from the '80's yet? I mean, I KNOW most of it was bad, but do we still need to go all sheepish when admitting to parachute pants, Trapper Keepers, Cabbage Patch Dolls, and the "Take My Breath Away" scene in Top Gun? Remember, this was also the decade that gave us:
--"I feel the need, the need for speed!"
--"Wax on, wax off"
--"He slimed me"
--"Where's the beef?"
--Bill Cosby's cardigans
--Who shot JR?
--Michael Jackson (version 2.0, the sequin glove iteration)
--Bon Jovi (Slippery When Wet iteration)
--Madonna's "Like a Virgin" performance at the VMA, which, well, there's parents reading, so let's just say I heard a rumor that she did that number while "going commando", female-style.
And...I'm spent. Back to the running stuff.
So I'm grinding through my 5-lap dance of joy (each lap juuuust under 3 miles, if you care), feeling...pretty good, actually. I didn't get the whiny face until lap 5, which is high quality. I broke down and started walking, and hit my iPod to see how close I was to 13.1. Uh, try PAST IT!!!!! Just over 14 miles down. Better still, one of my students copied a few songs I wanted to a CD for me, and I got them in the running mix. What comes on at that point, but "Turn the Page" by Metallica. Top 10 "guy song", done by easily Top 5 Metal band? Oh yeah, I'm running now, baby!!! Thanks Drew, there will be a little something in the grade book for you Monday morning.
Oh, then I got home, and Connie had gone to McDonald's for breakfast for the fam, since it's Maddy Shea's birthday. Yes, I ran on her birthday. No, I'm not a horrible parent. She was asleep when I left, and DADDY is the one that picked out her presents, so off my case, ace. Incidentally, and as pennance, my wife decided that this year's party, for a 5-year-old, would be...a sleepover! As I write this, I am recovering from a 14.84 mile run, followed by a "Flight of the Bumblebees"-esque assist in cleaning the house TO CONNIE'S SPECS. Those are only slightly lower than the requirements for a surgery suite, just so you know.
I know it hurts to say good-bye, but it's time for me to fly! (Man, what's with the '80's theme of this post?)
peace love happiness,
NIKE + MILES IN 2008: 462.08
I have been not-so-secretly afraid of this week. See, up until today, I had not been scheduled to run more than 13 miles, and in fact had not done so. My one previous 13-mile run was technically 12.89 miles (and yes, at that distance, I want every fraction of a mile counted). I was, in effect, slowly building a mental block up about this 13.1 mile barrier (that's the distance of a half-marathon, for the mathmatically challenged, such as a nameless elementary school teacher). I hadn't run FURTHER than that distance in recent memory, and by "recent memory" I mean "about 5-6 years."
It didn't help that the weather started spitting rain the literal second I walked out my front door this morning. The sidewalk wasn't even wet yet, and here I was getting slapped with those famous Memphis raindrops, the ones the size of small water balloons. Oh, this is NOT shaping up to be fun.
Then about 1/2 mile into my run, it completely stopped raining. This is NOT a good thing, though: I had donned my rain gear (okay, a "waterproof" jacket I bought a few years back) and now had to decide between A) running back to the truck to put it up (hate that, makes me want to quit running when I see the truck) or B) unzip & do the cheesy '80's "tie it around your waist" move (hate that more than A, BTW). Chose B, and good thing, because about 5 miles later, it started again. Then stopped 4 miles after that. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!
Tangent alert!
Have we finished apologizing for all things cultural from the '80's yet? I mean, I KNOW most of it was bad, but do we still need to go all sheepish when admitting to parachute pants, Trapper Keepers, Cabbage Patch Dolls, and the "Take My Breath Away" scene in Top Gun? Remember, this was also the decade that gave us:
--"I feel the need, the need for speed!"
--"Wax on, wax off"
--"He slimed me"
--"Where's the beef?"
--Bill Cosby's cardigans
--Who shot JR?
--Michael Jackson (version 2.0, the sequin glove iteration)
--Bon Jovi (Slippery When Wet iteration)
--Madonna's "Like a Virgin" performance at the VMA, which, well, there's parents reading, so let's just say I heard a rumor that she did that number while "going commando", female-style.
And...I'm spent. Back to the running stuff.
So I'm grinding through my 5-lap dance of joy (each lap juuuust under 3 miles, if you care), feeling...pretty good, actually. I didn't get the whiny face until lap 5, which is high quality. I broke down and started walking, and hit my iPod to see how close I was to 13.1. Uh, try PAST IT!!!!! Just over 14 miles down. Better still, one of my students copied a few songs I wanted to a CD for me, and I got them in the running mix. What comes on at that point, but "Turn the Page" by Metallica. Top 10 "guy song", done by easily Top 5 Metal band? Oh yeah, I'm running now, baby!!! Thanks Drew, there will be a little something in the grade book for you Monday morning.
Oh, then I got home, and Connie had gone to McDonald's for breakfast for the fam, since it's Maddy Shea's birthday. Yes, I ran on her birthday. No, I'm not a horrible parent. She was asleep when I left, and DADDY is the one that picked out her presents, so off my case, ace. Incidentally, and as pennance, my wife decided that this year's party, for a 5-year-old, would be...a sleepover! As I write this, I am recovering from a 14.84 mile run, followed by a "Flight of the Bumblebees"-esque assist in cleaning the house TO CONNIE'S SPECS. Those are only slightly lower than the requirements for a surgery suite, just so you know.
I know it hurts to say good-bye, but it's time for me to fly! (Man, what's with the '80's theme of this post?)
peace love happiness,
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Step back, Connie's great perspective, polka in the South
NIKE+ MILES IN 2008: 432.16
I'm basically following the same training program I tried 6 years ago, the last time I completed the full marathon. It was conceived by a runner named Hal Higdon. Who am I to disagree with a guy who writes books about marathon training for a living? I'm trying, though, to push a little further on the long runs, since I don't think I was fully prepared last time. This week was supposed to be a "step back" week, meaning I was supposed to run a shorter distance than last week (I think it was supposed to be only 10 miles, last week was supposed to be like 13). Since I'm pushing, I started out thinking I'd run the same route as last week, giving me another 13 miles. Negotiations started early, though, and I revised my plan UP at mile 1, thinking I'd run like 14 miles. I also decided to include my first scheduled walking/water break. I lapped the parking lot a few times, and left a water bottle on the back bumper (God bless runners; I could be literally delirious, and not take another person's water. It's some weird runner's code). That was around mile 8-9, and I was going to run 2 more laps of just under 3 miles each.
Didn't work. Felt sluggish & tired the whole first lap, and crapped out without even trying the second. I will NOT blame the polka, however. It was Dali-esque to run to "In Heaven There Is No Beer," but at the same time, strangely enjoyable. I was briefly transported to a wedding reception, hoisting a beer and singing along, "La la la, la la la la..." Though I am convinced that "Who Stole the Kishka?" is a closet Yiddish polka, and no one can tell me different.
So I got home in a silly bad mood, grumpy and prepared to ruin my weekend. Though maybe ND or Da Bears will contribute to my brightening mood...or sink me deeper into the depths of despair. Then my wife entered the picture. I was kvetching about my run, how I felt, basically being a big, steaming, pile of "woe is me," and she said, "Are you REALLY going to do this after ONE bad week?"
Now, keep in mind, that her tone of voice contained every shred of "SHUT THE F*** UP" a woman can pack in, and with my wife, you know that's a LOT. She gets a lot of practice.
That stopped me, and it was like the moment in Good Will Hunting when Robin Williams says, "I realized something". She's right. It was ONE week, a week where I averaged like 5-6 hours of sleep and didn't do much on my midweek runs. Yeah, the bastard sitting on my left shoulder kicked my ass on every hill out there, for the last 3 miles. Yes, I have a headache. That's it. Next week, I listen more to the lil' dude on the right(eous) side, and it's all good.
"Who Stole the Kishka?" & "In Heaven There Is No Beer", the immortal Frankie Yankovic. You have no idea how badly I wanted to take the 2 dollars I spent on those, and go all Quizno's commercial and just eat them instead. In a related note, my Godmother is an evil, evil woman. Hey, who else has Auntie Joanne as a godparent in the family?
"Sweet Home Chicago" - I found a decent compromise version on iTunes. Sounds CLOSE to the Blues Brothers version, which is all I needed. I was NOT going with the version by Clapton (what is this, hump a limey week?) or that sung by Jim Belushi (gotta be Top 5, all-time, in "riding the coattails of a sibling" award voting, though he gets points for being a genuine Bears fan).
"King of Wishful Thinking", Go West. Joe dropped a donation on me, and said I should just download the entire movie Pretty Woman. As a man living with 6 sisters, his worldview has been skewed just a tad towards the estrogen side of the scale. Since he did, indeed, "Go West", and the song is on the soundtrack, it had to be done. It was that or "Must Have Been Love" by Roxette, the pride of Scandanavia!
Joe claims that Colleen can recite the entire movie. Then again, he made some rather off-color commentary about Colleen's ability to pull off some of Julia Roberts' outfits in that flick. DON'T TAKE THAT, MRS. LAREAU!!! Fight back!!! Donate in honor of all Cinderella-storied former ladies of ill repute who have since reformed after hooking up with a multi-millionaire. Both of them.
Yep, I'm instigating. Stirrin' the old pot. Please, you REALLY think Joe would go there? HE LIVED WITH 6 WOMEN!!! Any crack like that growing up, and he would have needed a deadbolt on his bedroom door and one of those fire-escape ladders to survive the onslaught. And that's just from Auntie Kathy. My mom claims that Uncle Bob has a temper. I don't think any non-Shea member of the family is buying that load of tripe. Wait, did I just say "load of tripe"? Okay, time for some more water, or a nap, or something.
Have a great week, those still slogging to the end of this novella!
peace love happiness,
NIKE+ MILES IN 2008: 432.16
I'm basically following the same training program I tried 6 years ago, the last time I completed the full marathon. It was conceived by a runner named Hal Higdon. Who am I to disagree with a guy who writes books about marathon training for a living? I'm trying, though, to push a little further on the long runs, since I don't think I was fully prepared last time. This week was supposed to be a "step back" week, meaning I was supposed to run a shorter distance than last week (I think it was supposed to be only 10 miles, last week was supposed to be like 13). Since I'm pushing, I started out thinking I'd run the same route as last week, giving me another 13 miles. Negotiations started early, though, and I revised my plan UP at mile 1, thinking I'd run like 14 miles. I also decided to include my first scheduled walking/water break. I lapped the parking lot a few times, and left a water bottle on the back bumper (God bless runners; I could be literally delirious, and not take another person's water. It's some weird runner's code). That was around mile 8-9, and I was going to run 2 more laps of just under 3 miles each.
Didn't work. Felt sluggish & tired the whole first lap, and crapped out without even trying the second. I will NOT blame the polka, however. It was Dali-esque to run to "In Heaven There Is No Beer," but at the same time, strangely enjoyable. I was briefly transported to a wedding reception, hoisting a beer and singing along, "La la la, la la la la..." Though I am convinced that "Who Stole the Kishka?" is a closet Yiddish polka, and no one can tell me different.
So I got home in a silly bad mood, grumpy and prepared to ruin my weekend. Though maybe ND or Da Bears will contribute to my brightening mood...or sink me deeper into the depths of despair. Then my wife entered the picture. I was kvetching about my run, how I felt, basically being a big, steaming, pile of "woe is me," and she said, "Are you REALLY going to do this after ONE bad week?"
Now, keep in mind, that her tone of voice contained every shred of "SHUT THE F*** UP" a woman can pack in, and with my wife, you know that's a LOT. She gets a lot of practice.
That stopped me, and it was like the moment in Good Will Hunting when Robin Williams says, "I realized something". She's right. It was ONE week, a week where I averaged like 5-6 hours of sleep and didn't do much on my midweek runs. Yeah, the bastard sitting on my left shoulder kicked my ass on every hill out there, for the last 3 miles. Yes, I have a headache. That's it. Next week, I listen more to the lil' dude on the right(eous) side, and it's all good.
"Who Stole the Kishka?" & "In Heaven There Is No Beer", the immortal Frankie Yankovic. You have no idea how badly I wanted to take the 2 dollars I spent on those, and go all Quizno's commercial and just eat them instead. In a related note, my Godmother is an evil, evil woman. Hey, who else has Auntie Joanne as a godparent in the family?
"Sweet Home Chicago" - I found a decent compromise version on iTunes. Sounds CLOSE to the Blues Brothers version, which is all I needed. I was NOT going with the version by Clapton (what is this, hump a limey week?) or that sung by Jim Belushi (gotta be Top 5, all-time, in "riding the coattails of a sibling" award voting, though he gets points for being a genuine Bears fan).
"King of Wishful Thinking", Go West. Joe dropped a donation on me, and said I should just download the entire movie Pretty Woman. As a man living with 6 sisters, his worldview has been skewed just a tad towards the estrogen side of the scale. Since he did, indeed, "Go West", and the song is on the soundtrack, it had to be done. It was that or "Must Have Been Love" by Roxette, the pride of Scandanavia!
Joe claims that Colleen can recite the entire movie. Then again, he made some rather off-color commentary about Colleen's ability to pull off some of Julia Roberts' outfits in that flick. DON'T TAKE THAT, MRS. LAREAU!!! Fight back!!! Donate in honor of all Cinderella-storied former ladies of ill repute who have since reformed after hooking up with a multi-millionaire. Both of them.
Yep, I'm instigating. Stirrin' the old pot. Please, you REALLY think Joe would go there? HE LIVED WITH 6 WOMEN!!! Any crack like that growing up, and he would have needed a deadbolt on his bedroom door and one of those fire-escape ladders to survive the onslaught. And that's just from Auntie Kathy. My mom claims that Uncle Bob has a temper. I don't think any non-Shea member of the family is buying that load of tripe. Wait, did I just say "load of tripe"? Okay, time for some more water, or a nap, or something.
Have a great week, those still slogging to the end of this novella!
peace love happiness,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Family Music Time!!!
This is what happens when you don't wear, or for that matter, even own, the pants in your family:
So I ask Connie & the kids if they would like to add songs to "Daddy's running mix." Stupid, stupid me actually thought they would come up with nothing, or at least good songs. And...
Jamie - the hip-hop version of the theme from "Underdog" the movie
Lia - "Rockstar," Mylie Cyrus
Maddy Shea - "Witch Doctor," Alvin & the Chipmunks (you read that correctly)
and the piece de resistance...
Connie - "Kung Fu Fighting," the immortal Carl Douglas (thanks iTunes, for giving the "Whooa ho ho hoooa!" guy a name)
Though I must admit, you folks don't disappoint. I've been walking around the house for the last two days, trying on my neutered-boy version of "Jive Talkin',"
Honestly, does anyone know ANY of that song except the literal two words of the title? Sing it: "Jive talkin,' mumble mumble mum me..."
Every single time I try to run in the afternoon, I come home wringing wet and tell Connie NOT to let me or make me run in the afternoon again. It was 90 this afternoon, and I needed a 6-mile run. Ran 5.4, and hated every second of it. Sweat just doesn't evaporate in this meterologically-forsaken town.
The songs are effective in distracting me from my runs. Usually, I zone out into my Mitty-ian mode, and an odd song forces me to quit focusing on how far I've run, how much I hurt, waah, waah, waah.
Until the weekend, Here I Am; Here I Remain (sorry, Dune reference, I'll stop being a nerd now),
So I ask Connie & the kids if they would like to add songs to "Daddy's running mix." Stupid, stupid me actually thought they would come up with nothing, or at least good songs. And...
Jamie - the hip-hop version of the theme from "Underdog" the movie
Lia - "Rockstar," Mylie Cyrus
Maddy Shea - "Witch Doctor," Alvin & the Chipmunks (you read that correctly)
and the piece de resistance...
Connie - "Kung Fu Fighting," the immortal Carl Douglas (thanks iTunes, for giving the "Whooa ho ho hoooa!" guy a name)
Though I must admit, you folks don't disappoint. I've been walking around the house for the last two days, trying on my neutered-boy version of "Jive Talkin',"
Honestly, does anyone know ANY of that song except the literal two words of the title? Sing it: "Jive talkin,' mumble mumble mum me..."
Every single time I try to run in the afternoon, I come home wringing wet and tell Connie NOT to let me or make me run in the afternoon again. It was 90 this afternoon, and I needed a 6-mile run. Ran 5.4, and hated every second of it. Sweat just doesn't evaporate in this meterologically-forsaken town.
The songs are effective in distracting me from my runs. Usually, I zone out into my Mitty-ian mode, and an odd song forces me to quit focusing on how far I've run, how much I hurt, waah, waah, waah.
Until the weekend, Here I Am; Here I Remain (sorry, Dune reference, I'll stop being a nerd now),
Monday, September 8, 2008
Music info
I shall endeavor to post the suggested songs that I am running to on this blog. Some things I have learned:
---Uncle Bob & Auntie Kathy's family is both tied for most generous and dead last in the torture department. Two donations, no suggested songs. Look, this is fun for me, you two. No names, because one person wishes to remain anonymous. But look at what your relatives have suggested:
Mom/Auntie Tia: "Sweet Child o' Mine", Guns N' Roses
Kristin: "Jive Talkin'", BeeGees.
---I also love the "suggested list" I can choose from, but I try to stay true to the spirit of the donation and let Connie decide which song. That's how I ended up with the Brothers Gibb (one of the banes of my existence), rather than "Tumthumping" by Chumbawumba.
---Molly is truly hard-core on her list. Matt & Molly better give a good donation, because I am SOOOOO looking forward to some of her suggestions. You just need an EVIL streak to drop "Safety Dance" on a person.
---My playlist is set to random, so the only song I'm guaranteed to hear is the first one in the queue. That song is currently "Last Train Running" by Whiskey Falls. I'll take some SERIOUS coin and change it, but you'll have to dig deep.
I'll be posting a special fundraising announcement soon. Basically, I'm going to auction off the hair on my face...and atop my head. Obviously, going chrome dome will require some serious coin, but the "Rocky & Bullwinkle" faux-tee may soon be a thing of the past!
'Til Tuesday, and other obscure bands,
---Uncle Bob & Auntie Kathy's family is both tied for most generous and dead last in the torture department. Two donations, no suggested songs. Look, this is fun for me, you two. No names, because one person wishes to remain anonymous. But look at what your relatives have suggested:
Mom/Auntie Tia: "Sweet Child o' Mine", Guns N' Roses
Kristin: "Jive Talkin'", BeeGees.
---I also love the "suggested list" I can choose from, but I try to stay true to the spirit of the donation and let Connie decide which song. That's how I ended up with the Brothers Gibb (one of the banes of my existence), rather than "Tumthumping" by Chumbawumba.
---Molly is truly hard-core on her list. Matt & Molly better give a good donation, because I am SOOOOO looking forward to some of her suggestions. You just need an EVIL streak to drop "Safety Dance" on a person.
---My playlist is set to random, so the only song I'm guaranteed to hear is the first one in the queue. That song is currently "Last Train Running" by Whiskey Falls. I'll take some SERIOUS coin and change it, but you'll have to dig deep.
I'll be posting a special fundraising announcement soon. Basically, I'm going to auction off the hair on my face...and atop my head. Obviously, going chrome dome will require some serious coin, but the "Rocky & Bullwinkle" faux-tee may soon be a thing of the past!
'Til Tuesday, and other obscure bands,
Saturday, September 6, 2008
GNR, cranberry juice, and my evil wife's perspective
Admit it, the title's got your interests piqued, no?
NIKE+ MILES IN 2008: 411.94 (wheee!)
Today was a good running day: overcast, cool, and dry. Man, I sound like Tom Skilling, or Dave Brown, for our Mid-South readers.
I tried valiantly to make this the first long run that was also a "no walking" run. I mean, I literally argued with myself for about 3 miles over this point. Good thing that, by that point in the run (like mile 11 or so), I was so gassed that my facial expression couldn't change. Speaking of which...
I've found some podcasts on iTunes that are runners' thoughts while on the road. I test-listened to one of these, and it was LITERAL. As in, dude was ON THE ROAD, RUNNING, and talking. Dear readers, let me assure you that the oxygen required for such an undertaking is not available to this writer. Unless you wish to listen to "Pant, wheeze, gasp, (expletive deleted), (more expletives deleted), (okay, family show, quit cussing)". Though I did pass someone on a path today who was wearing a U of I shirt, and I sucked up the breath to yell, "I-L-L...!!!" I think I scared him, but it was fun.
So I'm slogging through my long run, and I've just passed the halfway point, which is usually where the negotiation begins. You know, the point where "I'm running 13 miles today" becomes "Do I really want to run 13 miles?" or "Now, what specifically was my training run supposed to be? 12 miles? Do I want to push it?" The devil on my shoulder, incidentally, has his own iPod, and it's crankin' some serious Dave Matthews Band/Lullaby music, just to antagonize me. ANYWAY, I'm starting to consider wussing out, and what flips on the iPod? Yes yes yes, it's SLASH'S MOST FAMOUS GUITAR SOLO/INTRO!!! "Sweet Child o' Mine", courtesy of my Mom's suggestion. I like to think the title is an observation, but I know she just digs Axl. Thanks Mommy!
I ended up walking less than 1/4 mile, but it kinda nagged at me. Need some mental exercises to build up that stubborn streak. My iPod claims that around mile 3, my pace was like 5:44 per mile, which is Olympic-marathon pace, so if the Apple company cannot answer why, I'm still calling BS there. Must have been a SERIOUS downhill.
After my run, I got the enjoyment of the "salty face", which is that wonderful gritty feeling a face that has been bathed in sweat about 2 hours gets, on the drive home. Also, the changing of the seasons means it's now high school cross country season, so I get to play Frogger with HS runners and their families on my route. Hang on, "Pity, party of one," Yep, that's me, gotta go...
Smoothies are the underrated pleasure of my life now. Had one for my "breakfast" after the run. Fresh fruit, ice, vanilla yogurt (yes, dear family, you read that correctly), and orange juice...wait, OJ costs HOW MUCH? Hey, there's some of Mom's raspberry/cranberry mix, time to substitute. Connie HATES when I do that, but I'm starting to enjoy the Cran/Rasp combo.
Then I looked at my beautiful wife, who had been IN BED until 15 minutes before I got home, and said, "Man, that was a good run! I only walked less than 1/4 mile, I averaged 9:21 per mile!"
Her response: "Yeah, but you have to run over twice that far on race day."
Thanks, you little ray of F****in' sunshine, you.
Nobody can take me down about 3 pegs like Connie. Especially when she follows with a hug and a smile. No fair, I wanted to be offended! Quit hugging, you know I'm a sucker for a hug!
"Sweet Child o' Mine," GNR (see above)
"Mountains," Lonestar. This is a great song for lyrics. I get chills when I get to hear the chorus:
There are times in life, when you gotta crawl
Lose your grip, trip and fall
When you can't lean on no one else
That's when you find yourself
I've been around and I've noticed that
Walkin's easy when the road is flat
Them danged old hills will get you every time
The Good Lord gave us mountains
So we could learn how to climb
That's all for now, loving reader. Until next time, remember, be good, or be good at it.
peace love happiness,
NIKE+ MILES IN 2008: 411.94 (wheee!)
Today was a good running day: overcast, cool, and dry. Man, I sound like Tom Skilling, or Dave Brown, for our Mid-South readers.
I tried valiantly to make this the first long run that was also a "no walking" run. I mean, I literally argued with myself for about 3 miles over this point. Good thing that, by that point in the run (like mile 11 or so), I was so gassed that my facial expression couldn't change. Speaking of which...
I've found some podcasts on iTunes that are runners' thoughts while on the road. I test-listened to one of these, and it was LITERAL. As in, dude was ON THE ROAD, RUNNING, and talking. Dear readers, let me assure you that the oxygen required for such an undertaking is not available to this writer. Unless you wish to listen to "Pant, wheeze, gasp, (expletive deleted), (more expletives deleted), (okay, family show, quit cussing)". Though I did pass someone on a path today who was wearing a U of I shirt, and I sucked up the breath to yell, "I-L-L...!!!" I think I scared him, but it was fun.
So I'm slogging through my long run, and I've just passed the halfway point, which is usually where the negotiation begins. You know, the point where "I'm running 13 miles today" becomes "Do I really want to run 13 miles?" or "Now, what specifically was my training run supposed to be? 12 miles? Do I want to push it?" The devil on my shoulder, incidentally, has his own iPod, and it's crankin' some serious Dave Matthews Band/Lullaby music, just to antagonize me. ANYWAY, I'm starting to consider wussing out, and what flips on the iPod? Yes yes yes, it's SLASH'S MOST FAMOUS GUITAR SOLO/INTRO!!! "Sweet Child o' Mine", courtesy of my Mom's suggestion. I like to think the title is an observation, but I know she just digs Axl. Thanks Mommy!
I ended up walking less than 1/4 mile, but it kinda nagged at me. Need some mental exercises to build up that stubborn streak. My iPod claims that around mile 3, my pace was like 5:44 per mile, which is Olympic-marathon pace, so if the Apple company cannot answer why, I'm still calling BS there. Must have been a SERIOUS downhill.
After my run, I got the enjoyment of the "salty face", which is that wonderful gritty feeling a face that has been bathed in sweat about 2 hours gets, on the drive home. Also, the changing of the seasons means it's now high school cross country season, so I get to play Frogger with HS runners and their families on my route. Hang on, "Pity, party of one," Yep, that's me, gotta go...
Smoothies are the underrated pleasure of my life now. Had one for my "breakfast" after the run. Fresh fruit, ice, vanilla yogurt (yes, dear family, you read that correctly), and orange juice...wait, OJ costs HOW MUCH? Hey, there's some of Mom's raspberry/cranberry mix, time to substitute. Connie HATES when I do that, but I'm starting to enjoy the Cran/Rasp combo.
Then I looked at my beautiful wife, who had been IN BED until 15 minutes before I got home, and said, "Man, that was a good run! I only walked less than 1/4 mile, I averaged 9:21 per mile!"
Her response: "Yeah, but you have to run over twice that far on race day."
Thanks, you little ray of F****in' sunshine, you.
Nobody can take me down about 3 pegs like Connie. Especially when she follows with a hug and a smile. No fair, I wanted to be offended! Quit hugging, you know I'm a sucker for a hug!
"Sweet Child o' Mine," GNR (see above)
"Mountains," Lonestar. This is a great song for lyrics. I get chills when I get to hear the chorus:
There are times in life, when you gotta crawl
Lose your grip, trip and fall
When you can't lean on no one else
That's when you find yourself
I've been around and I've noticed that
Walkin's easy when the road is flat
Them danged old hills will get you every time
The Good Lord gave us mountains
So we could learn how to climb
That's all for now, loving reader. Until next time, remember, be good, or be good at it.
peace love happiness,
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Trying to muddle through...
Most recent run: 11.55 miles
Yes, I know, it's been over a week. To quote Robbie Benson in a very forgettable version of the play Our Town, "Yes, but I had reasons...reasons..."
Sad week here for me at CBHS. One of my favorite graduates from the Class of 2006 passed away. Could it be worse? Yep, I have his younger brother in my Homeroom & 2nd period classes. Okay, let's move on...
That long run on Saturday was...interesting. Connie, the kids, & I decamped to "the lake" for a few days over the long weekend. Connie's folks, for those not in the know, have a small home at Horseshoe Lake, just across the Mississippi River, in Arkansas. It's nice, because it's close (less than 1 HR drive), and Connie's folks have invested most of the money there in the toys on the water, not the house next to it. The pollen, however, is NOT NICE, NOT NICE AT ALL, for those of us with allergies. Oh, and I now know why Connie has a rational, but nevertheless scary, fear of wasps. Those suckers are quick, and they HURT. Got stung (bitten? Can I get a ruling on that one?) on consecutive days, in almost the exact same spot. I guess my right calf is just nirvana to wasps.
The run itself was rather peaceful, consisting mostly of me jogging next to harvested fields of...something that was green before harvest (yep, city folk here), trying to finish my run before the weekly "burning of the trash" began, and waving hello at the mostly older men driving past on their way to...wherever country folk go at 6:30 AM on a Saturday. The back half of my 11.55 mile run took me "around the bottom of the lake", which is NOT the curved part of the horseshoe (yep, it's not just a catchy name), but rather the open end. Rather Deliverance-y houses, including my turn-around point, which my mother-in-law described as "the little white church."
Right, THAT was a church. If this boarded-window, peeling-paint thing was still a church, I'm not sure I want to know what/who is being worshiped there. I narrowed it down to Baal, Shiva, or that ridiculous horned thing Tom Cruise fought in Legend. Let's just say the pace kicked up a tad near there. Oh stop complaining, you've seen Legend. Still arguing? Google it. Try "Tom Cruise unicorn film." I'll wait...
SEE?!? TOLD ya!!!
By the way, if you're reading this, I take it you got the goofy "gimme money" e-mail, version 1.0. I really would appreciate comments. I know we all are hurting financially , so what could be more fun than being encouraged to mock me with impunity? As a bonus, everyone who comments gets to suggest a relative that I shall mock without reservation in a subsequent posting.
Hope everyone had fun at Kristin's little shindig on Sunday. It's nice to get those invites, or e-vites, just to feel like a real live member of the clan.
LISTENING TO: "Roll Me Away" & "Against the Wind", Bob Seger. Always good to channel that inner Gump. "I was running..."
That's all for now. Remember, no matter where you go, there you are.
peace love happiness,
Yes, I know, it's been over a week. To quote Robbie Benson in a very forgettable version of the play Our Town, "Yes, but I had reasons...reasons..."
Sad week here for me at CBHS. One of my favorite graduates from the Class of 2006 passed away. Could it be worse? Yep, I have his younger brother in my Homeroom & 2nd period classes. Okay, let's move on...
That long run on Saturday was...interesting. Connie, the kids, & I decamped to "the lake" for a few days over the long weekend. Connie's folks, for those not in the know, have a small home at Horseshoe Lake, just across the Mississippi River, in Arkansas. It's nice, because it's close (less than 1 HR drive), and Connie's folks have invested most of the money there in the toys on the water, not the house next to it. The pollen, however, is NOT NICE, NOT NICE AT ALL, for those of us with allergies. Oh, and I now know why Connie has a rational, but nevertheless scary, fear of wasps. Those suckers are quick, and they HURT. Got stung (bitten? Can I get a ruling on that one?) on consecutive days, in almost the exact same spot. I guess my right calf is just nirvana to wasps.
The run itself was rather peaceful, consisting mostly of me jogging next to harvested fields of...something that was green before harvest (yep, city folk here), trying to finish my run before the weekly "burning of the trash" began, and waving hello at the mostly older men driving past on their way to...wherever country folk go at 6:30 AM on a Saturday. The back half of my 11.55 mile run took me "around the bottom of the lake", which is NOT the curved part of the horseshoe (yep, it's not just a catchy name), but rather the open end. Rather Deliverance-y houses, including my turn-around point, which my mother-in-law described as "the little white church."
Right, THAT was a church. If this boarded-window, peeling-paint thing was still a church, I'm not sure I want to know what/who is being worshiped there. I narrowed it down to Baal, Shiva, or that ridiculous horned thing Tom Cruise fought in Legend. Let's just say the pace kicked up a tad near there. Oh stop complaining, you've seen Legend. Still arguing? Google it. Try "Tom Cruise unicorn film." I'll wait...
SEE?!? TOLD ya!!!
By the way, if you're reading this, I take it you got the goofy "gimme money" e-mail, version 1.0. I really would appreciate comments. I know we all are hurting financially , so what could be more fun than being encouraged to mock me with impunity? As a bonus, everyone who comments gets to suggest a relative that I shall mock without reservation in a subsequent posting.
Hope everyone had fun at Kristin's little shindig on Sunday. It's nice to get those invites, or e-vites, just to feel like a real live member of the clan.
LISTENING TO: "Roll Me Away" & "Against the Wind", Bob Seger. Always good to channel that inner Gump. "I was running..."
That's all for now. Remember, no matter where you go, there you are.
peace love happiness,
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Saturday morning
TODAY'S RUN: 11.35 miles
I rolled out of bed at 6:15 on a Saturday morning, feeling great about the early start to my weekend. There's just something about coming home after a long run, and knowing that I still have the entire day in front of me. Then I pulled into the parking lot, and saw the car of a friend of mine who also runs. Nothing like feeling all Type A and running smack into Type A+.
Long runs are a bit of a challenge for me. I can't run in my neighborhood, because it's too bounded by busy streets. Going to Shelby Farms means I either run off into nowhere, or run a 2.75 mile loop, which is perilously close to what I call "gerbil running", which is track/treadmill running. I physically cannot do gerbil running; either my stride is all wrong for a treadmill, or I quit the track because I'm never further than 1/4 mile from my starting point. So off I go, on the paved trails with the early-morning walkers, which is rather annoying, since they tend to walk 3-across and are oblivious to any other forms of life, including runners behind them. Then again, at least one member of the group typically carries either a walking stick, a golf club, or a spiked mace, so hey, spread out!
My long runs take on a Walter Mitty-esque feel after about 3 miles. I think I've won every game, finished every race, hit every pitch, made every shot, in every event I can think of, by about mile 7. If that makes no sense to you, please read "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," which is probably one of the five best short stories I have ever read. Yes, I can name the other 4, just FYI, Steve.
The begging for money e-mail is in draft iteration #6, which is to say it is a work in progress. I'm sure, in the present economic situation, you are all awaiting THAT piece of ...mail...with baited breath. Just know that reading this and commenting is support, just like a tax-deductible donation. Seriously. And if nothing else, your eyes will get a workout, from all the rolling they do whenever you read something I write.
LISTENING TO: "Lose Yourself", Eminem. Yes, trite, I know, but it's one of the best songs to run to I can find.
NIKE+ MILES 2008: 367.53
Until next week, my wonderful and faithful reader (hey, Steve's the only one to post a comment, and, well, just go ahead and read it)
peace love happiness,
I rolled out of bed at 6:15 on a Saturday morning, feeling great about the early start to my weekend. There's just something about coming home after a long run, and knowing that I still have the entire day in front of me. Then I pulled into the parking lot, and saw the car of a friend of mine who also runs. Nothing like feeling all Type A and running smack into Type A+.
Long runs are a bit of a challenge for me. I can't run in my neighborhood, because it's too bounded by busy streets. Going to Shelby Farms means I either run off into nowhere, or run a 2.75 mile loop, which is perilously close to what I call "gerbil running", which is track/treadmill running. I physically cannot do gerbil running; either my stride is all wrong for a treadmill, or I quit the track because I'm never further than 1/4 mile from my starting point. So off I go, on the paved trails with the early-morning walkers, which is rather annoying, since they tend to walk 3-across and are oblivious to any other forms of life, including runners behind them. Then again, at least one member of the group typically carries either a walking stick, a golf club, or a spiked mace, so hey, spread out!
My long runs take on a Walter Mitty-esque feel after about 3 miles. I think I've won every game, finished every race, hit every pitch, made every shot, in every event I can think of, by about mile 7. If that makes no sense to you, please read "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," which is probably one of the five best short stories I have ever read. Yes, I can name the other 4, just FYI, Steve.
The begging for money e-mail is in draft iteration #6, which is to say it is a work in progress. I'm sure, in the present economic situation, you are all awaiting THAT piece of ...mail...with baited breath. Just know that reading this and commenting is support, just like a tax-deductible donation. Seriously. And if nothing else, your eyes will get a workout, from all the rolling they do whenever you read something I write.
LISTENING TO: "Lose Yourself", Eminem. Yes, trite, I know, but it's one of the best songs to run to I can find.
NIKE+ MILES 2008: 367.53
Until next week, my wonderful and faithful reader (hey, Steve's the only one to post a comment, and, well, just go ahead and read it)
peace love happiness,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
been a while
I know, I know, but since nobody is actually reading this except me, it's starting to take on a diary feel. Guess it's time to actually make folks aware of the blog.
Since I'm just ignorant enough to think some folks might really read this, I'm trying to add some recurring sections. I'll work hard to avoid one where I slam "Neckbeard the Pirate" or whatever we're calling Kyle Orton these days. Not that I'm bitter over the embarrassing plunge into oblivion of Da Bears...anyway, back to running.
Had a GREAT week of midweek runs. I have no idea why, nor do I anticipate this as one of the recurring sections. Just felt good, and actually ended all 3 runs with average miles under 9:00 minutes per. NICE!!! Working up to a 10+ mile run on Saturday morning, which should be interesting, since I have a "league of dorks" draft Friday night. For the unwashed masses, that's what one of my fave writers on ESPN.com says his wife calls his fantasy football league. I need someone there to be the designated "Tom, you REALLY want that much pizza?" person.
LISTENING TO: "Last Train Running" by Whiskey Falls. Good stuff, and a great way to begin my runs. I keep forgetting to flip my running mix OFF of the random setting, so this is the only song I KNOW I'll hear, since it's first in the queue. Sorry, but I just love Apple speak. "Queue"? Seriously, who talks that way?
NIKE MILES IN '08: 356.17. (They're called "Nike miles" because of a weird glitch with my Nike+ running system. On the mapping feature they provide, for example, a certain run is 3.3 miles, but my Nike+ tells me I run between 3.1 and 3.2. Also, since my pace, when presented in line graph form, looks a lot like an EKG, I probably can't calibrate it accurately.)
Until Saturday, and to whomever has found this dusty little corner of the interweb,
peace, love, happiness,
Since I'm just ignorant enough to think some folks might really read this, I'm trying to add some recurring sections. I'll work hard to avoid one where I slam "Neckbeard the Pirate" or whatever we're calling Kyle Orton these days. Not that I'm bitter over the embarrassing plunge into oblivion of Da Bears...anyway, back to running.
Had a GREAT week of midweek runs. I have no idea why, nor do I anticipate this as one of the recurring sections. Just felt good, and actually ended all 3 runs with average miles under 9:00 minutes per. NICE!!! Working up to a 10+ mile run on Saturday morning, which should be interesting, since I have a "league of dorks" draft Friday night. For the unwashed masses, that's what one of my fave writers on ESPN.com says his wife calls his fantasy football league. I need someone there to be the designated "Tom, you REALLY want that much pizza?" person.
LISTENING TO: "Last Train Running" by Whiskey Falls. Good stuff, and a great way to begin my runs. I keep forgetting to flip my running mix OFF of the random setting, so this is the only song I KNOW I'll hear, since it's first in the queue. Sorry, but I just love Apple speak. "Queue"? Seriously, who talks that way?
NIKE MILES IN '08: 356.17. (They're called "Nike miles" because of a weird glitch with my Nike+ running system. On the mapping feature they provide, for example, a certain run is 3.3 miles, but my Nike+ tells me I run between 3.1 and 3.2. Also, since my pace, when presented in line graph form, looks a lot like an EKG, I probably can't calibrate it accurately.)
Until Saturday, and to whomever has found this dusty little corner of the interweb,
peace, love, happiness,
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
And now, for something completely different...
Okay, on to the fun...
Training for a marathon is challenging.
Training for a marathon that will be run in early December is daunting.
Training for a marathon in early December when it's currently 90 degrees in the shade is well-nigh madness.
School started back up this week, so my summer running schedule has been all fluxed up. I can't run before school, because this would require me to rise at a time when the only folks conscious are 3rd shift workers, vampires, and crack addicts. So I get the joire de vive of running...in the afternoon...in Memphis.
On the plus side, I'm no longer carrying around much of that pesky water weight. On the other hand, I didn't know sweat would literally puddle if you sat on a laminate floor. Oh, and it's slippery when you get up, too. So I got that going for me...which is nice.
Oh, yeah, forgot. I'm completing the full marathon this year. For about the last 5 years, I've finished the half-marathon, "only" 13.1 miles. Why the full this year? Same reason folks climb Mount Everest: Because it's there, baby.
Actually, I'm still about 2% bitter about my effort when I finished the full marathon in '02. I bonked, I got clobbered, whatever, but I was not satisfied. 4:43 is not a goal, it's the drive from Chicago to St. Louis if you're in a hurry. My goal this year is 4 hours, 20 minutes (insert pot joke in the comments, if you must).
Wow, that's some perspective. My goal is the approximate drive time from Chicago to Mount Vernon, with a stop for gas.
Okay, time to get the girls to sleep...for the fourth time tonight.
peace, love, happiness,
Training for a marathon is challenging.
Training for a marathon that will be run in early December is daunting.
Training for a marathon in early December when it's currently 90 degrees in the shade is well-nigh madness.
School started back up this week, so my summer running schedule has been all fluxed up. I can't run before school, because this would require me to rise at a time when the only folks conscious are 3rd shift workers, vampires, and crack addicts. So I get the joire de vive of running...in the afternoon...in Memphis.
On the plus side, I'm no longer carrying around much of that pesky water weight. On the other hand, I didn't know sweat would literally puddle if you sat on a laminate floor. Oh, and it's slippery when you get up, too. So I got that going for me...which is nice.
Oh, yeah, forgot. I'm completing the full marathon this year. For about the last 5 years, I've finished the half-marathon, "only" 13.1 miles. Why the full this year? Same reason folks climb Mount Everest: Because it's there, baby.
Actually, I'm still about 2% bitter about my effort when I finished the full marathon in '02. I bonked, I got clobbered, whatever, but I was not satisfied. 4:43 is not a goal, it's the drive from Chicago to St. Louis if you're in a hurry. My goal this year is 4 hours, 20 minutes (insert pot joke in the comments, if you must).
Wow, that's some perspective. My goal is the approximate drive time from Chicago to Mount Vernon, with a stop for gas.
Okay, time to get the girls to sleep...for the fourth time tonight.
peace, love, happiness,
Why be a St. Jude Hero?
Easily the most awkward part of being a St. Jude Hero is actually asking for the money. Very few people are comfortable asking others, and particularly friends, family, and others they are close to, for money, even for a charity.
Why do it? A few years back, I participated in a leadership program called the Lasallian Leadership Institute (LLI). Another member of the program was basically his school's "director of giving programs"; which is to say, he's the guy who asks for money. He was asked by a doctor, "Anthony, isn't it hard to ask people for money like this?" I'll never forget his response: "No. Because I believe in the mission of the school where I'm at. It's easy to ask for support for something you truly believe in."
I believe in the NEED for places like St. Jude, where children with catastrophic illnesses are treated without regards to money. No family pays for transportation, lodging, or any part of the process not covered by an insurance program, and having insurance is NOT a prerequisite for treatment there.
Oh, and after my friend Anthony said what he said, the doctor looked at him and said, "How much do you want?"
peace, love, happiness,
Why do it? A few years back, I participated in a leadership program called the Lasallian Leadership Institute (LLI). Another member of the program was basically his school's "director of giving programs"; which is to say, he's the guy who asks for money. He was asked by a doctor, "Anthony, isn't it hard to ask people for money like this?" I'll never forget his response: "No. Because I believe in the mission of the school where I'm at. It's easy to ask for support for something you truly believe in."
I believe in the NEED for places like St. Jude, where children with catastrophic illnesses are treated without regards to money. No family pays for transportation, lodging, or any part of the process not covered by an insurance program, and having insurance is NOT a prerequisite for treatment there.
Oh, and after my friend Anthony said what he said, the doctor looked at him and said, "How much do you want?"
peace, love, happiness,
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I invite you all to come along with me on the magic carpet ride that will be my training for the St. Jude Memphis Marathon on December 6, 2008.
I'm running this race in memory of a young man named Tyler McKinnon, a "Brother's Boy" who was also a patient at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital here in Memphis. Tyler lost a 2-year battle to cancer and went Home on July 18, 2008. My wife and I created Team Tyler as members of the St. Jude Heroes Program, which allows runners to raise money for the hospital and run distance races across the country. Connie (my wife) will be completing the half-marathon that same day.
If you want to support St. Jude, and Team Tyler, I'll be providing links in the days, weeks, and months to come. If you don't, feel free to comment / respond to these posts, which will track my pitiful attempts at preparing myself to run a distance that, for some, would include a pee break if they were driving it.
Remember, if you reply or comment, you are just encouraging me, and my family will quickly tell you that I need little encouragement, but a great number of reminders on the virtues of humility and peace.
peace, love, happiness,
I'm running this race in memory of a young man named Tyler McKinnon, a "Brother's Boy" who was also a patient at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital here in Memphis. Tyler lost a 2-year battle to cancer and went Home on July 18, 2008. My wife and I created Team Tyler as members of the St. Jude Heroes Program, which allows runners to raise money for the hospital and run distance races across the country. Connie (my wife) will be completing the half-marathon that same day.
If you want to support St. Jude, and Team Tyler, I'll be providing links in the days, weeks, and months to come. If you don't, feel free to comment / respond to these posts, which will track my pitiful attempts at preparing myself to run a distance that, for some, would include a pee break if they were driving it.
Remember, if you reply or comment, you are just encouraging me, and my family will quickly tell you that I need little encouragement, but a great number of reminders on the virtues of humility and peace.
peace, love, happiness,
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