Wednesday, August 13, 2008

And now, for something completely different...

Okay, on to the fun...

Training for a marathon is challenging.

Training for a marathon that will be run in early December is daunting.

Training for a marathon in early December when it's currently 90 degrees in the shade is well-nigh madness.

School started back up this week, so my summer running schedule has been all fluxed up. I can't run before school, because this would require me to rise at a time when the only folks conscious are 3rd shift workers, vampires, and crack addicts. So I get the joire de vive of the Memphis.

On the plus side, I'm no longer carrying around much of that pesky water weight. On the other hand, I didn't know sweat would literally puddle if you sat on a laminate floor. Oh, and it's slippery when you get up, too. So I got that going for me...which is nice.

Oh, yeah, forgot. I'm completing the full marathon this year. For about the last 5 years, I've finished the half-marathon, "only" 13.1 miles. Why the full this year? Same reason folks climb Mount Everest: Because it's there, baby.

Actually, I'm still about 2% bitter about my effort when I finished the full marathon in '02. I bonked, I got clobbered, whatever, but I was not satisfied. 4:43 is not a goal, it's the drive from Chicago to St. Louis if you're in a hurry. My goal this year is 4 hours, 20 minutes (insert pot joke in the comments, if you must).

Wow, that's some perspective. My goal is the approximate drive time from Chicago to Mount Vernon, with a stop for gas.

Okay, time to get the girls to sleep...for the fourth time tonight.

peace, love, happiness,


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