Sunday, October 5, 2008

Yankee visit

LONG RUN THIS WEEK: 12.1 miles
NIKE + MILES IN 2008: 508.58 (!!!)

Great to see mom & dad this weekend, even with the inevitable flux up of the running schedule. Trying to stay hydrated is always a concern when I get together with family, for obvious reasons.

As a testament to how mathmatically challenged I am, here's a ridiculous story from my run Saturday:

I had to run 12 miles. I have 2 loops I can run in the neighborhood. One is 4 miles long, the other 3 miles long. I have been running midweek for 7 miles (one of each). It took me 3 solid days to figure out how I could work out a 12 mile run. Reason: I usually run 7, so I couldn't get that starting figure out of my head. I literally had not figured it out before I started my Saturday run. About 2 miles in, I finally awoke to the fact that 4 times 3 is, indeed, 12.

I love seeing mom & dad, and I must inquire: Is mom physically incapable of NOT doing work? She made me lend her clothes Saturday morning, and weeded flower beds for 3 hours...just 'cuz.

I inch ever closer to bald, and I enjoy the thought less and less. On the flip side, I am seeing real results on the endurance front. Let's see what happens this coming Saturday, when 17 miles are on the menu. Roll Tide!

At least the Bears are winnning.

peace love happiness,

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