Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Status Quo

LONG RUN: 15.25 miles

NIKE + MILES 2008: 488-ish (slack me, kids, been a long day)

No revelations this week. No big fun, either. Last week after my long run, I came down with a sinus infection. Things got WAAAAY more fun as the week progressed, since the sinus trouble became allergy/sinus fun. This is bad, because my allergy issues attack my eyes...and I lost my glasses in the Gulf of Mexico this summer. Yes, you read that correctly, no, I won't tell you the story.

One completely blood-red eye later, I went to Sears Optical (the optometrist is a good friend of mine) and they hooked me up with a pair of glasses. However, that meant I was at school for two straight days...with ONE CONTACT in my head. Luckily, the blood-red eye was my right eye, and I'm left-eye dominant, so I could mostly see.

It's getting to the point that I'm starting to believe that I am in "running shape." For example, tonight I ran 4 miles, and within 5 minutes my heart rate / breathing were back to normal. I think the weather had something to do with that, though. It's been September Summer down here (mid-80s today), so it's tough to grind miles when you are losing water an an alarming rate just standing outside, let alone running.

As a result of a mini-auction of your truly for the baseball parents, I'll be surpassing my personal goal of $750 by whenever St. Jude gets 2 checks in the mail and posts them to my site. Yes, mother, that means no more faux-tee. It may even be gone by the time you arrive here in Memphis this weekend. Yes, that also means I'm getting perilously close to the Tele Savales / Colonel Sanders look for $2,500 in Team donations that is posted above.
Remind me never to anger another student. They do weird things with computers these days.
Until next time, faithful readers (Steve and Kristin, love you two!!!)
peace love happiness,

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