Monday, November 30, 2009

The Hay is in the Barn

So I was talking to my friend Steve, who teaches in the classroom next door to mine. He asked how training was going, and I said, "Hell, the race is next week. If I haven't finished training by now..." And he responded, "So the hay is in the barn, huh?"

I love the South for crap like this. I mean, is there a better analogy for being finished with something, and just waiting to enjoy the fruits of your? This is easily my second-favorite Southerism, right behind something that is "so good, it'll make a train take a dirt road."

And yes, I shall THOROUGHLY enjoy my 13.1 miles this Saturday. I WILL hurt, and I WILL be in pain afterward, but the best things in life require sacrifice. Speaking of which...

Team Tyler is DOMINATING the fundraising goal. Then again, the Captain is doing pretty well, and no, Kristin, Derek Jeter did not donate. I'm over $2,500, and the team is over $6,000!!! To quote the creepy guy dressed like a leprechaun from Beerfest, "Y'all know what that means..."

I'll be going bald, as of Thursday. Shaved bald, since I had some people actually complain that last year's zero-guard cut was too long. SERIOUSLY?!? Like, 3 days of growth for most people, too long, huh?

Just for this, I am looking for Christmas-themed temp tats, for the dome. I'm actually pissed that I can't find a string of Christmas lights. Online is NO help, if you can believe it. Perhaps a temp tat on the back of my head that says, "Your ad here" or something. "Space available" would work, but the quick-witted amongst us would most likely inquire if the space in question was exterior, or interior.

peace love happiness,

1 comment:

Big Sis said...

Too bad you're not here. I got battery operated, star-shaped X-mas lights at IKEA a couple weeks ago. They even have suction cups to attach them you the window...or your head. Good luck! I'll be thinking of you on Saturday. (It's supposed to snow here. Hope you are better off.)