Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Family Music Time!!!

This is what happens when you don't wear, or for that matter, even own, the pants in your family:

So I ask Connie & the kids if they would like to add songs to "Daddy's running mix." Stupid, stupid me actually thought they would come up with nothing, or at least good songs. And...

Jamie - the hip-hop version of the theme from "Underdog" the movie
Lia - "Rockstar," Mylie Cyrus
Maddy Shea - "Witch Doctor," Alvin & the Chipmunks (you read that correctly)

and the piece de resistance...

Connie - "Kung Fu Fighting," the immortal Carl Douglas (thanks iTunes, for giving the "Whooa ho ho hoooa!" guy a name)


Though I must admit, you folks don't disappoint. I've been walking around the house for the last two days, trying on my neutered-boy version of "Jive Talkin',"

Honestly, does anyone know ANY of that song except the literal two words of the title? Sing it: "Jive talkin,' mumble mumble mum me..."

Every single time I try to run in the afternoon, I come home wringing wet and tell Connie NOT to let me or make me run in the afternoon again. It was 90 this afternoon, and I needed a 6-mile run. Ran 5.4, and hated every second of it. Sweat just doesn't evaporate in this meterologically-forsaken town.

The songs are effective in distracting me from my runs. Usually, I zone out into my Mitty-ian mode, and an odd song forces me to quit focusing on how far I've run, how much I hurt, waah, waah, waah.

Until the weekend, Here I Am; Here I Remain (sorry, Dune reference, I'll stop being a nerd now),


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