Sunday, August 31, 2008

Trying to muddle through...

Most recent run: 11.55 miles

Yes, I know, it's been over a week. To quote Robbie Benson in a very forgettable version of the play Our Town, "Yes, but I had reasons...reasons..."

Sad week here for me at CBHS. One of my favorite graduates from the Class of 2006 passed away. Could it be worse? Yep, I have his younger brother in my Homeroom & 2nd period classes. Okay, let's move on...

That long run on Saturday was...interesting. Connie, the kids, & I decamped to "the lake" for a few days over the long weekend. Connie's folks, for those not in the know, have a small home at Horseshoe Lake, just across the Mississippi River, in Arkansas. It's nice, because it's close (less than 1 HR drive), and Connie's folks have invested most of the money there in the toys on the water, not the house next to it. The pollen, however, is NOT NICE, NOT NICE AT ALL, for those of us with allergies. Oh, and I now know why Connie has a rational, but nevertheless scary, fear of wasps. Those suckers are quick, and they HURT. Got stung (bitten? Can I get a ruling on that one?) on consecutive days, in almost the exact same spot. I guess my right calf is just nirvana to wasps.

The run itself was rather peaceful, consisting mostly of me jogging next to harvested fields of...something that was green before harvest (yep, city folk here), trying to finish my run before the weekly "burning of the trash" began, and waving hello at the mostly older men driving past on their way to...wherever country folk go at 6:30 AM on a Saturday. The back half of my 11.55 mile run took me "around the bottom of the lake", which is NOT the curved part of the horseshoe (yep, it's not just a catchy name), but rather the open end. Rather Deliverance-y houses, including my turn-around point, which my mother-in-law described as "the little white church."

Right, THAT was a church. If this boarded-window, peeling-paint thing was still a church, I'm not sure I want to know what/who is being worshiped there. I narrowed it down to Baal, Shiva, or that ridiculous horned thing Tom Cruise fought in Legend. Let's just say the pace kicked up a tad near there. Oh stop complaining, you've seen Legend. Still arguing? Google it. Try "Tom Cruise unicorn film." I'll wait...

SEE?!? TOLD ya!!!

By the way, if you're reading this, I take it you got the goofy "gimme money" e-mail, version 1.0. I really would appreciate comments. I know we all are hurting financially , so what could be more fun than being encouraged to mock me with impunity? As a bonus, everyone who comments gets to suggest a relative that I shall mock without reservation in a subsequent posting.

Hope everyone had fun at Kristin's little shindig on Sunday. It's nice to get those invites, or e-vites, just to feel like a real live member of the clan.

LISTENING TO: "Roll Me Away" & "Against the Wind", Bob Seger. Always good to channel that inner Gump. "I was running..."

That's all for now. Remember, no matter where you go, there you are.

peace love happiness,

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday morning

TODAY'S RUN: 11.35 miles

I rolled out of bed at 6:15 on a Saturday morning, feeling great about the early start to my weekend. There's just something about coming home after a long run, and knowing that I still have the entire day in front of me. Then I pulled into the parking lot, and saw the car of a friend of mine who also runs. Nothing like feeling all Type A and running smack into Type A+.

Long runs are a bit of a challenge for me. I can't run in my neighborhood, because it's too bounded by busy streets. Going to Shelby Farms means I either run off into nowhere, or run a 2.75 mile loop, which is perilously close to what I call "gerbil running", which is track/treadmill running. I physically cannot do gerbil running; either my stride is all wrong for a treadmill, or I quit the track because I'm never further than 1/4 mile from my starting point. So off I go, on the paved trails with the early-morning walkers, which is rather annoying, since they tend to walk 3-across and are oblivious to any other forms of life, including runners behind them. Then again, at least one member of the group typically carries either a walking stick, a golf club, or a spiked mace, so hey, spread out!

My long runs take on a Walter Mitty-esque feel after about 3 miles. I think I've won every game, finished every race, hit every pitch, made every shot, in every event I can think of, by about mile 7. If that makes no sense to you, please read "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," which is probably one of the five best short stories I have ever read. Yes, I can name the other 4, just FYI, Steve.

The begging for money e-mail is in draft iteration #6, which is to say it is a work in progress. I'm sure, in the present economic situation, you are all awaiting THAT piece of ...mail...with baited breath. Just know that reading this and commenting is support, just like a tax-deductible donation. Seriously. And if nothing else, your eyes will get a workout, from all the rolling they do whenever you read something I write.

LISTENING TO: "Lose Yourself", Eminem. Yes, trite, I know, but it's one of the best songs to run to I can find.

NIKE+ MILES 2008: 367.53

Until next week, my wonderful and faithful reader (hey, Steve's the only one to post a comment, and, well, just go ahead and read it)

peace love happiness,

Thursday, August 21, 2008

been a while

I know, I know, but since nobody is actually reading this except me, it's starting to take on a diary feel. Guess it's time to actually make folks aware of the blog.

Since I'm just ignorant enough to think some folks might really read this, I'm trying to add some recurring sections. I'll work hard to avoid one where I slam "Neckbeard the Pirate" or whatever we're calling Kyle Orton these days. Not that I'm bitter over the embarrassing plunge into oblivion of Da Bears...anyway, back to running.

Had a GREAT week of midweek runs. I have no idea why, nor do I anticipate this as one of the recurring sections. Just felt good, and actually ended all 3 runs with average miles under 9:00 minutes per. NICE!!! Working up to a 10+ mile run on Saturday morning, which should be interesting, since I have a "league of dorks" draft Friday night. For the unwashed masses, that's what one of my fave writers on says his wife calls his fantasy football league. I need someone there to be the designated "Tom, you REALLY want that much pizza?" person.

LISTENING TO: "Last Train Running" by Whiskey Falls. Good stuff, and a great way to begin my runs. I keep forgetting to flip my running mix OFF of the random setting, so this is the only song I KNOW I'll hear, since it's first in the queue. Sorry, but I just love Apple speak. "Queue"? Seriously, who talks that way?

NIKE MILES IN '08: 356.17. (They're called "Nike miles" because of a weird glitch with my Nike+ running system. On the mapping feature they provide, for example, a certain run is 3.3 miles, but my Nike+ tells me I run between 3.1 and 3.2. Also, since my pace, when presented in line graph form, looks a lot like an EKG, I probably can't calibrate it accurately.)

Until Saturday, and to whomever has found this dusty little corner of the interweb,

peace, love, happiness,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

And now, for something completely different...

Okay, on to the fun...

Training for a marathon is challenging.

Training for a marathon that will be run in early December is daunting.

Training for a marathon in early December when it's currently 90 degrees in the shade is well-nigh madness.

School started back up this week, so my summer running schedule has been all fluxed up. I can't run before school, because this would require me to rise at a time when the only folks conscious are 3rd shift workers, vampires, and crack addicts. So I get the joire de vive of the Memphis.

On the plus side, I'm no longer carrying around much of that pesky water weight. On the other hand, I didn't know sweat would literally puddle if you sat on a laminate floor. Oh, and it's slippery when you get up, too. So I got that going for me...which is nice.

Oh, yeah, forgot. I'm completing the full marathon this year. For about the last 5 years, I've finished the half-marathon, "only" 13.1 miles. Why the full this year? Same reason folks climb Mount Everest: Because it's there, baby.

Actually, I'm still about 2% bitter about my effort when I finished the full marathon in '02. I bonked, I got clobbered, whatever, but I was not satisfied. 4:43 is not a goal, it's the drive from Chicago to St. Louis if you're in a hurry. My goal this year is 4 hours, 20 minutes (insert pot joke in the comments, if you must).

Wow, that's some perspective. My goal is the approximate drive time from Chicago to Mount Vernon, with a stop for gas.

Okay, time to get the girls to sleep...for the fourth time tonight.

peace, love, happiness,


Why be a St. Jude Hero?

Easily the most awkward part of being a St. Jude Hero is actually asking for the money. Very few people are comfortable asking others, and particularly friends, family, and others they are close to, for money, even for a charity.

Why do it? A few years back, I participated in a leadership program called the Lasallian Leadership Institute (LLI). Another member of the program was basically his school's "director of giving programs"; which is to say, he's the guy who asks for money. He was asked by a doctor, "Anthony, isn't it hard to ask people for money like this?" I'll never forget his response: "No. Because I believe in the mission of the school where I'm at. It's easy to ask for support for something you truly believe in."

I believe in the NEED for places like St. Jude, where children with catastrophic illnesses are treated without regards to money. No family pays for transportation, lodging, or any part of the process not covered by an insurance program, and having insurance is NOT a prerequisite for treatment there.

Oh, and after my friend Anthony said what he said, the doctor looked at him and said, "How much do you want?"

peace, love, happiness,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I invite you all to come along with me on the magic carpet ride that will be my training for the St. Jude Memphis Marathon on December 6, 2008.

I'm running this race in memory of a young man named Tyler McKinnon, a "Brother's Boy" who was also a patient at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital here in Memphis. Tyler lost a 2-year battle to cancer and went Home on July 18, 2008. My wife and I created Team Tyler as members of the St. Jude Heroes Program, which allows runners to raise money for the hospital and run distance races across the country. Connie (my wife) will be completing the half-marathon that same day.

If you want to support St. Jude, and Team Tyler, I'll be providing links in the days, weeks, and months to come. If you don't, feel free to comment / respond to these posts, which will track my pitiful attempts at preparing myself to run a distance that, for some, would include a pee break if they were driving it.

Remember, if you reply or comment, you are just encouraging me, and my family will quickly tell you that I need little encouragement, but a great number of reminders on the virtues of humility and peace.

peace, love, happiness,